Jun 7 – 10, 2022
H10 Taburiente Playa
Atlantic/Canary timezone

A workshop on the future of the Nordic Optical Telescope "NOT - a telescope for the future" will be held on-site in La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain, 7-10 June 2022.  We wish to bring together researchers from different science fields to discuss the role of the NOT in the coming decade and to get input for the strategy of longer term use and operations. Another aim is to mark the transition to the new owners and organization of the NOT - the University of Turku and Aarhus University - and to strengthen ties in the NOT community. We also wish to commemorate Johannes Andersen and his importance for the NOT.

The workshop will cover science from a wide range of fields, focusing on the current and the future use of the NOT, as well as its educational role. On-going and planned instrument upgrades will be presented, for instance the coming NOT Transient Explorer (NTE). Contributed presentations are welcome as talks and posters. The deadline for submitting contributed abstract was March 31st and is now closed.

The registration fee of 180 euro covers among other things the two coffee breaks and the buffet lunch on the 7th, 8th and 9th of June, as well as the welcome reception on the 6th. You will receive a payment receipt when checking in at the workshop (if you did not already ask for an invoice).

Tickets for the conference dinner (50 euro) and the excursion (42 euro) are to be paid in reception of H10 Taburiente Playa and at Islabonita Tours, respectively. See under Social Events.

We have limited funding for travel grants that students and young researchers can apply for.

While the global pandemic has created an uncertain situation, we believe that by June 2022 a workshop in La Palma is fully feasible, and we aim for three full days (7-9 June) of presentations and discussions and one day (10 June) for an excursion to the Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory and to the new Cumbre Vieja volcano. 

The covid restrictions are lifted and the workshop capacity is no longer limited to 85 participants.

You may also be interested in the MAAT Workshop at the same venue on June 10th.

H10 Taburiente Playa
Salón Breña Baja
La Palma
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