7–10 Jun 2022
H10 Taburiente Playa
Atlantic/Canary timezone

NOT and the Young Supernova Experiment

7 Jun 2022, 15:20
Contributed Talk


Charlotte Angus (University of Copenhagen)


The Young Supernova Experiment (YSE) is a wide-field, multiband (griz) survey using the Pan-STARRS telescopes with a unique synergistic observing strategy. YSE is able to identify the youngest transients within days and even hours of first explosion. Our large followup programme with the NOT plays a pivotal role in the classification and and followup of YSE transients. I will demonstrate how NOT observations have helped to explore the properties of a broad range of YSE transients from the first two years of the survey; from the classification of <1 day old SNe Ia, to the identification of exotic transients, to the first spectrum of a tidal disruption event from an intermediate mass black hole.

Primary author

Charlotte Angus (University of Copenhagen)

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